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Zeitschrift: Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
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Band: 19
Heft: 46
Beitrag: 13895
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Short-term Leasing and Monopoly Power: The Case of IBM
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Erschienen: 1988
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 144 - Heft Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
Short-term Leasing and Monopoly Power: The Case of IBM
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 1988
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 144 - Heft Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
Short-term Leasing and Monopoly Power: The Case of IBM
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 1988
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 144 - Heft Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
Short-term Leasing and Monopoly Power: The Case of IBM
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 1988
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 144 - Heft Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
Short-term Leasing and Monopoly Power: The Case of IBM
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 1988
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 144 - Heft Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
Short-term Leasing and Monopoly Power: The Case of IBM
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 1988
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 144 - Heft Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
Short-term Leasing and Monopoly Power: The Case of IBM
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 1988
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 144 - Heft Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
Short-term Leasing and Monopoly Power: The Case of IBM
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 1988
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 144 - Heft Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
Short-term Leasing and Monopoly Power: The Case of IBM
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 1988
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 144 - Heft Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
Short-term Leasing and Monopoly Power: The Case of IBM
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 1988
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 144 - Heft Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
Short-term Leasing and Monopoly Power: The Case of IBM
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 1988
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 144 - Heft Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
Short-term Leasing and Monopoly Power: The Case of IBM
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 1988
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 144 - Heft Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
Short-term Leasing and Monopoly Power: The Case of IBM
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 1988
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 144 - Heft Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
Short-term Leasing and Monopoly Power: The Case of IBM
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 1988
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 144 - Heft Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
Should the Same Side of the Market Always Move First in a Transaction?
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Erschienen: 2002
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 158
Should the Same Side of the Market Always Move First in a Transaction?
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 2002
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 158
Should the Same Side of the Market Always Move First in a Transaction?
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 2002
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 158
Should the Same Side of the Market Always Move First in a Transaction?
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 2002
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 158
Should the Same Side of the Market Always Move First in a Transaction?
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 2002
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 158
Should the Same Side of the Market Always Move First in a Transaction?
Zugriff nur im Abonnement
Erschienen: 2002
Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE - Band 158
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Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE
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Adams, Michael (20)
Alchian, Armen A.; Woodward, Susan (26)
Alston, Lee J.; Ferrie, Joseph P. (22)
Barker, George R.; Chapman, Ralph B. (21)
Bennett, Robert J. (22)
Bernholz, Peter (94)
Bhattacharya, Sudipto; Fulghieri, Paolo; Rovelli, Riccardo (26)
Bittlingmayer, George (58)
Blum, Ulrich; Dudley, Leonard (55)
Bolton, Patrick; Thadden, Ernst-Ludwig von (33)
Bonus, Holger (27)
Boom, Anette (24)
Borghans, Lex; Groot, Loek (25)
Brandt, Loren; Rozelle, Scott; Turner, Matthew A. (31)
Breyer, Friedrich (26)
Butter, Frank A. G. den; Mosch, Robert H. J. (23)
Börsch-Supan, Axel (52)
Carson, Scott Alan (24)
Clague, Christopher (24)
Clemenz, Gerhard (52)
Coleman, James S. (23)
Colombatto, Enrico; Macey, Jonathan (20)
Conrad, Klaus (43)
David, Paul A. (25)
Davis, Lewis S. (20)
Dnes, Antony W. (69)
Elberfeld, Walter (42)
Emons, Winand (31)
Endres, Alfred (22)
Engel, Christoph (53)
Ensminger, Jean (55)
Esser, Hartmut (27)
Ewert, Ralf (20)
Feess, Eberhard; Hege, Ulrich (26)
Fehr, Ernst (60)
Fehr, Ernst; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Gächter, Simon (29)
Fischer, Paul E.; Hughes, John S. (21)
Foss, Nicolai J. (27)
Franke, Günter (57)
Frey, Bruno S. (22)
Frey, Bruno S.; Bohnet, Iris (23)
Gabriel, Luciano; Loderer, Claudio (25)
Gilbert, Richard J. (23)
Goyal, Sanjeev (20)
Greif, Avner (42)
Güth, Werner; Bolle, Friedel (28)
Hagen, Oskar von dem; Pethig, Rüdiger; Blümel, Wolfgang (70)
Hallwood, C. Paul (41)
Hoffman, Philip T.; Postel-Vinay, Gilles; Rosenthal, Jean-Laurent (25)
Hsiung, Bingyuang (42)
Hutchison, Terence W. (27)
Kamecke, Ulrich (29)
Kaufer, Erich (35)
Khalil, Elias L. (61)
Kirchner, Christian (35)
Knell, Markus (24)
Knight, Jack (38)
Kraft, Kornelius (39)
Kuran, Timur (74)
Köndgen, Johannes (22)
Kürsten, Wolfgang (50)
Langlois, Richard N. (28)
Lindenberg, Siegwart (101)
MacNeil, Ian R. (41)
Majumdar, Sumit K. (28)
Majumdar, Sumit K.; Venkatram, Ramaswamy (22)
Marangos, John (23)
Masten, Scott E. (38)
Maussner, Alfred (26)
McKenzie, Richard B. (21)
Menard, Claude (64)
Miller, Geoffrey P. (51)
Morris, Ian (32)
Mui, Vai-Lam (34)
Möschel, Wernhard (29)
North, Douglass C. (25)
Norton, Seth W. (30)
Olds, Kelly B.; Liu, Ruey-Hua (23)
Palokangas, Tapio (26)
Pethig, Rüdiger (49)
Picker, Randal C. (33)
Ress, Georg (22)
Richter, Rudolf (88)
Sally, David (26)
Schanze, Erich (86)
Schenk, Karl-Ernst (35)
Schlicht, Ekkehart (104)
Schmidtchen, Dieter; Mayer, Achim (22)
Schmitt, Günther (28)
Schweizer, Urs (76)
Siegenthaler, Hansjörg (27)
Streit, Manfred E. (23)
Tian, Guoqiang (23)
Wagner, Thomas (47)
Weimann, Joachim; Yang, Chun-Lei; Brosig, Jeanette (23)
Weingast, Barry R. (31)
Wiggings, Steven N. (59)
Williamson, Oliver E. (62)
Witt, Ulrich (22)
Yang, Chun-Lei (36)
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