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Zeitschrift: Die Erde
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22.993 Objekte
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Band: 72
Heft: 98
Beitrag: 22823
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Fricke, Werner; Sailer-Fliege, Ulrike (Hg.): Untersuchungen zum Einzelhandel in Heidelberg
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Erschienen: 1996
Die Erde - Band 127
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
Friction Losses at the Interfaces: Global Production Networks and Local Firms. Examples from the Automobile Industry in Shanghai
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Erschienen: 2007
Die Erde - Band 138
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Die Erde
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Ahnert, Frank (39)
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Aschenbach, Hermann (35)
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Bader, Frido J. Walter (41)
Behrmann, Walter (114)
Beierkuhnlein, Carl (48)
Besler, Helga (55)
Blume, Helmut (98)
Blüthgen, Joachim (31)
Bobek, Hans (38)
Boesler, Klaus-Achim (47)
Bonacker, Wilhelm (45)
Borcherdt, Christoph (34)
Borsdorf, Axel (45)
Brosche, Karl-Ulrich; Molle, Hans-Georg (44)
Bähr, Jürgen (78)
Büttner, Manfred (57)
Domrös, Manfred (43)
Ehlers , Eckhart (33)
Ehlers, Eckart (119)
Eitel, Bernhard (47)
Endlicher, Wilfried (31)
Fels, Edwin (132)
Fliri, Franz (52)
Ganssen, Robert (36)
Giese, Ernst (33)
Grenzebach, Klaus (65)
Grötzbach, Erwin (43)
Hard, G. (44)
Hard, Gerhard (97)
Hartke, Wolfgang (37)
Haude, Waldemar (54)
Hecht, Alfred (35)
Hecklau, Hans (60)
Heineberg, Heinz (72)
Heller, Wilfried (52)
Hempel, Ludwig (52)
Hennings, Werner (36)
Herold, Detlef (30)
Hofmeister, Burkhard (130)
Holtmeier, Friedrich-Karl (54)
Imhof, Eduard (32)
Jätzold, R. (33)
Krebs, Norbert (38)
Kreutzmann, Hermann (54)
Krings, Thomas (90)
Kulke, Elmar (43)
Küchler, Johannes; Kong-Sut, Sum (39)
Kühne , Olaf (41)
Lautensach, Hermann (84)
Lehmann, Herbert (39)
Lenz, Karl (149)
Leser, Hartmut (120)
Lichtenberger, Elisabeth (41)
Löffler, Ernst (51)
Lühring, Joachim (44)
Maack, Reinhard (85)
Manshard, Walther (51)
Meckelein, Wolfgang (53)
Mensching, Horst (86)
Monheim, Felix (57)
Müller, Dietrich O. (83)
Müller-Hohenstein, Klaus (41)
Otremba, Erich (67)
Overbeck, Hermann (33)
Pardé, Maurice (32)
Plewe, Ernst (115)
Quelle, Otto (31)
Rother, Klaus (42)
Rönneseth, O. (43)
Schamp, Eike W. (35)
Schamp, Heinz (54)
Scheiner, Joachim (34)
Schiffers, Heinrich (46)
Schneider-Sliwa, Rita (53)
Scholz, Fred (258)
Schroeder, Klaus (46)
Schultz , Hans-Dietrich (49)
Schultz, Hans Dietrich (47)
Schultze, J. H. (89)
Schultze, Joachim H. (118)
Schweinfurth, Ulrich (46)
Stadel, Christoph (55)
Stein, Norbert (56)
Stewig, Reinhard (58)
Stäblein, Gerhard (180)
Száva-Kováts, Endre (53)
Treter, Uwe (48)
Valentin, Hartmut (48)
Vetter, Friedrich (36)
Vogelsang, Roland (65)
Vollmar, Rainer (41)
Volz, Wilhelm (41)
Vorlaufer, Karl (38)
Wehmeier, Eckhard (41)
Wein, Norbert (67)
Wieger, Axel (36)
Wilhelmy, Herbert (74)
Wirth, Eugen (109)
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Berlin (22993)
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De Gruyter (355)
Gesellschaft für Erdkunde (11581)
Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin (4136)
Gesellschaft für Erdkunge (401)
Walter de Gruyter & Co (262)
Walter de Gruyter & Co. (239)
de Gruyter (6019)
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